Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
What a great vacation!!!
Posted by CyndieO at 1:58 PM 3 comments
Labels: Vacation
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
The cabinets have arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted by CyndieO at 1:39 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Stuffed French Toast.....
HMMM if only someone would make this for me on Mother's day. (oh yeah my lobster lunch too....)
Creamy, Fruity Stuffed French Toast Hearts
3 large eggs, beaten
1/2 cup milk
A couple drops pure vanilla extract
1/3 cup cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup raspberry or strawberry preserves
1 cup pure maple syrup
8 slices white bread
2 tablespoons butter
1. In a wide, shallow bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk and vanilla and set near the stove. In a small bowl, mix together the cream cheese and preserves; set aside.
2. warm the syrup in a small saucepan over low heat or in the microwave on high for 1 minute.
3. Spread the cream cheese mixture evenly over 4 bread slices. Top with the remaining 4 bread slices to make 4 sandwiches. Cut each sandwich using a 4-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter.
4. melt the butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Dip the hearts in the egg mixture and cook in the skillet, turning once with a spatula, until golden brown, about 3 minutes on each side. Serve the hearts with the warm syrup.
Posted by CyndieO at 4:32 PM 2 comments
Labels: Yummo
Monday, April 23, 2007
Dear God!!!
This is Emma's prayer from this morning.
Dear God,
I love you. You are the best. I love this place. You are a great guy. Thank you... Love me
Posted by CyndieO at 8:17 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Yesterday me and Emma and the Kilbanes went to Ingaldsby farm (just opened for the season) we got our cider donuts and coffee etc. and of course Emma had to go to the bathroom.
We had to go outside all the way around the building and you could smell fire in the air. Emma said Mumma it smells like marshmallow's out here that must be a marshmallow bush.
Posted by CyndieO at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: Kiddies
Friday, April 06, 2007
Good Friday!!!!
By John Piper April 20, 1984
Luke 23:44-46
Paul said in Philippians 3:10 that the passion of his life was to know the power of Christ's resurrection and to share his sufferings and become like him in his death. I think we should follow Paul in this. We should long to draw from Jesus the power to live and die like he did. Surely that is one of the reasons the gospels show us so much of Jesus' death. God's will for us is that we learn from Jesus how to die.
Jesus' Suffering and Your Suffering
It is a strange and terrible perversion of the gospel to say that since Jesus suffered for me, therefore I don't have to suffer—I can be comfortable and prosperous. The stumbling block of the cross is removed if we say he became homeless that I might have the finest of houses. He was rejected by men that I might be admired among men. He lived in poverty that I might live in luxury. He endured suffering that I might enjoy ease. Jesus taught just the opposite: "If any man would come after me, let him take up his cross daily and follow me." If we suffer with him, we shall be glorified with him (Romans 8:17). Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps (1 Peter 2:21).
Learning from Jesus How to Die
1. Remember That God Reigns
When you come to die, remember that God reigns. "It was about the sixth hour and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, while the sun's light failed and the curtain of the Temple was torn in two." Who saw to it that the sun's light failed? Who ripped the temple's curtain from top to bottom? Over and around the death of Jesus Christ is the ruling hand of God. He has not fumbled the ball. There are no loose ends. Luke made it crystal clear in Acts 4:27f., "Truly in this city there were gathered together against thy holy servant Jesus both Herod and Pontius Pilate and the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel to do whatever thy hand and thy plan had predestined to take place." It is true that Jesus said to the mob who arrested him in Gethsemane, "This is your hour and the power of darkness." But what a sovereign statement that is. The power of darkness will not be given an hour by the almighty God. Pray, who reigns when Satan must await his hour and when his limits are appointed by Another? God reigns—in life and in death. "See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god beside me, I kill and I make alive, I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand" (Deuteronomy 32:39). "It was the will of the Lord to bruise him. He has put him to grief. We esteemed him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted" (Isaiah 53:10, 4). When you come to die, remember God reigns and nothing has slipped between his fingers.
2. Remember That God Pities
When you come to die, remember God pities. We have not risen in our thinking to the magnificence of God if we think that because he rules in life and death he cannot pity. What was the meaning of the darkness at noon and the rending of the temple curtain? Was it not God's clothing his world in the color of grief and rending the garments next to his heart? "It was the will of the Lord to bruise him"—but not without pity, not without grief. "As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear him. He knows our frame, that we are dust." The nails and spear and rod and crown of thorns did not feel like pity. Neither do intravenous needles, respirators, tubes down your throat, and hand restraints. All the more reason to remember that God reigns and that as a father his child, so he pities you in your dying.
3. Remember That Your Spirit Lives On
When you come to die, remember that you have a spirit that will live on. "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit." Jesus knew and we should know that death for God's people is not the end nor even a sleep for our conscious personalities. Paul put it like this in 2 Corinthians 5: "We are of good courage and would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord." Philippians 1:23, "My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better." We will die like Jesus if we remember that like him we have a spirit which at the moment of death does not die but lives on with God.
4. Remember That God's Hands Are Open to You
But that implies a fourth thing to remember when we come to die. We should remember that God's arms are open and his hands extended to his dying children. "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit." Not: into the grave. Not: into the void. Not: into the dark unknown. But: into the hands of God.
One of the great temptations at the hour of death is to believe that our death is a horrible blow from God and that therefore we are under his wrath and cannot commit our spirit to his care. Let us learn here from Jesus. His death was a horrible blow from God. He became a curse for us. But Jesus did not abandon faith in God's love for him.
1 Corinthians 11:29–32, "Anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill and some have died. But if we judged ourselves truly, we should not be judged. But when we are judged by the Lord, we are chastened so that we may not be condemned along with the world."
This is a startling statement. Sometimes the Lord takes the life of a believer because of sin. But Paul says that we should view it as a chastisement to save the believer from something worse. Therefore, even if we come to our death believing that we are being chastised by the Lord—even then we can and should commit our spirit to him. For his purpose for us is love.
5. Don't Murmur, Complain, or Rage Against God
Therefore, finally, when you come to die do not murmur or complain or rage against God. He reigns, he pities, his loving hands are open to your spirit. And in those hands is Paradise immediately after you die.
Posted by CyndieO at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: God
Sunday, March 11, 2007
God Bless You !
Posted by CyndieO at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kiddies
Friday, March 09, 2007
We made an appointment and went in Novemember. They confirmed what our doctor told us and that she has Amblyopia and she will need glasses. Samantha heard this and burst into tears. She recommened that we come back in 2 weeks to do another eye exam because she had been dilated and she wanted to make sure she got it right. So we went back she then recommended that we also patch the good eye 4-6 hours a day so the weak eye can get stronger. Well Samantha again burst into tears but this time the pitch was even louder than the first time. When we walked back out of the room all the kids waiting to be since had the look of fear on their little faces. The Lord was ever faithful to us, (once again!!!!!) if this was not caught she could have been legally blind in this eye within the next couple of years.
The doctor recommend that we use these bandaid like sticky patches. Well these made her itchy and almost impossible for her to wear she cried and itched it and within an hour the stickiness wore off. I searched online and found these patches they come in the cutest animals and princess/superhero motifs. Well she LOVES to wear her patch and gets excited to wear it. And she looks so cute in it.
Posted by CyndieO at 8:39 AM 2 comments
Labels: Kiddies
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Happy Birthday Bean!!!!
WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by CyndieO at 2:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: Kiddies
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Glorified (original 1985)
By John Piper December 14, 2003
As far as any eye could see
There was no green. But every tree
Was cinder black, and all the ground
Was grey with ash. The only sound
Was arid wind, like spirits' ghosts,
Gasping for some living hosts
In which to dwell, as in the days
Of evil men, before the blaze
Of unimaginable fire
Had made the earth a flaming pyre
For God's omnipotent display
Of holy rage. The dreadful Day
Of God had come. The moon had turned
To blood. The sun no longer burned
Above, but, blazing with desire,
Had flowed into a lake of fire.
The seas and oceans were no more,
And in their place a desert floor
Fell deep to meet the brazen skies,
And silence conquered distant cries.
The Lord stood still above the air.
His mighty arms were moist and bare.
They hung, as weary, by his side
Until the human blood had dried
Upon the sword in his right hand.
He stared across the blackened land
That he had made, and where he died.
His lips were tight, and deep inside,
The mystery of sovereign will
Gave leave, and it began to spill
In tears upon his bloody sword
For one last time.
And then the Lord
Wiped every tear away and turned
To see his bride. Her heart had yearned
Four thousand years for this: His face
Shone like the sun, and every trace
Of wrath was gone. And in her bliss
She heard the Master say, "Watch this:
Come forth all goodness from the ground,
Come forth and let the earth redound
With joy." And as he spoke, the throne
Of God came down to earth and shone
Like golden crystal full of light,
And banished once for all the night.
And from the throne a stream began
To flow and laugh, and as it ran,
It made a river and a lake,
And everywhere it flowed a wake
Of grass broke on the banks and spread
Like resurrection from the dead.
And in the twinkling of an eye
The saints descended from the sky.
And as I knelt beside the brook
To drink eternal life, I took
A glance across the golden grass,
And saw my dog, old Blackie, fast
As she could come. She leaped the stream—
Almost—and what a happy gleam
Was in her eye.
I knelt to drink,
And knew that I was on the brink
Of endless joy. And everywhere
I turned I saw a wonder there.
A big man running on the lawn:
That's old John Younge with both legs on.
The blind can see a bird on wing,
The dumb can lift his voice and sing.
The diabetic eats at will,
The coronary runs uphill.
The lame can walk, the deaf can hear,
The cancer-ridden bone is clear.
Arthritic joints are lithe and free,
And every pain has ceased to be.
And every sorrow deep within,
And every trace of lingering sin
Is gone. And all that's left is joy,
And endless ages to employ
The mind and heart to understand
And love the sovereign Lord who planned
That it should take eternity
To lavish all his grace on me.
O God of wonder, God of might,
Grant us some elevated sight,
Of endless days. And let us see
The joy of what is yet to be.
And may your future make us free,
And guard us by the hope that we,
Within the light of candle four,
Are glorified forevermore.
Posted by CyndieO at 4:36 PM 1 comments
Labels: God
Monday, January 22, 2007
Please pray for Daniel!!!!
Meet our nephew Danny. As most of you know Danny's brother and his wife adopted him back in August. He has been in their care since he was 3 days old. Danny has suffered severe epilepsy for about 8 months now without any relief. They have tried all sorts of medicine etc... Everyone has been baffled. He is behind developmentally due to the siezures he is 26 months old and has not been able to do what a boy his age does because he is missing out on half of his life due the hundreds of siezures a day.
This is what Steve told my husband Danny on the phone today and Danny asked him to email it so I took it upon myself to post it so prayer could be made on his behalf. We know the Lord can take this away but if this is his lot pray that he can endure this and never remember it.... Thanks
Hi All,
Danny and Cyndie O here is a brief summary of the prep work for the procedure Danny had done this week end.
1. He was completely wrapped in a large bed sheet, like a burrito. Every thing except his head was wrapped.
2. He was then strapped down to the bed with 28 strips of tape. Each starting on one side of the bed, crossing his body and attaching to the opposite side. He was now completely unable to move his body.
3. He had 36 electrodes attached to his head. One on each Temple and four on his upper back. The area for each electrode had to be rubbed with a solution for good contact and a special adhesive gel applied to attach the electrode. Then a piece of tape put over each electrode. This was repeated 42 times. During all of two adults held his head to keep it from moving while a third adult applied the electrodes.
4. When this was done his head was completely wrapped in gauze to cover the electrodes. The gauze also wrapped under his chin to keep it secured onto his head. The gauze was then tapped down to make it secure. Finally, a rubber mesh netting was pulled over all of this and tapped down tho prevent him from pulling any thing off. All the electrodes were passed through this netting in back is his head like a giant pony tail. All the wires were tapped every ten inches to keep them together. He would have about 4 ft to move for 48 hours. Steps 1-4 took about 45 minutes
5. When this was completed, the nurse freed up his left arm and five vials of blood were taken while he was still strapped down. This took about 10 minutes.
6. All together he was strapped down for about an hour. He cried for help the whole time saying "All Done".
7. For the next 48 hours he was confined to a 4 ft space. He had to sleep with all this on his head and needed to be watched all night to make sure he did not strangle himself while he slept.
He did such a great job! He played, ate, slept with little frustration. We could not have wished for him to have done any better. We will now be waiting for the doctor's to review the EEG and Video. Please keep him in your prayers. He is such a gentle and joyful child.
Posted by CyndieO at 12:23 PM 4 comments
Labels: Prayer
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sausage Soup!!!!!
Have you ever been to Bertucci's? Well they have this great sausage soup. Of course it is loaded with fat (that is probably why it tastes so good) anyway i recreated it in my kitchen and I think it tasted better.
1lb good italian sausage you can buy it bulk or you could use turkey sausage
1 medium onion
3-4 garlic cloves chopped
1/2 can tomato paste
beef stock- I use my own but you could use 3-4 cans i recommend low sodium
1 can of water
1 package of frozen spinach
1 small zucchini chopped
fresh basil leaves i use lots use to your preference
brown rice
salt and pepper
red pepper flakes
1. saute the onion and the sausage meat til the meat is browned, if you don't buy bulk make sure to take it out of the casing. be sure that you break the meat up well
2. add the zucchini,garlic and then add the paste then the stock,water and spinach. Simmer on low for a couple of hours
3. This is the part when you step in and make it your own. I always make the rice on the side then add it at the end as well as the basil.
This is so yummy on a cold new england day. Ask ??? if you have any...
Posted by CyndieO at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Yummo
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I got tagged.....
Beth tagged me…
For those of you who don’t know….
In the context of web logs / ‘blogs / blogging and other kinds of personal web sites it’s some kind of list of questions that you saw somewhere else and you decided to answer the questions. Then someone else sees them and does them and so on and so on. I generally consider these to be actual questions and not some multiple choice quizzes that determine some result at the end (what color you are most like, what cartoon character are you, what 80s movie are you).
Sometimes these show up in the form of “tag”.
Here’s how this tag goes:
1) Grab the book closest to you
2) Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence
3) Post the text of the following 3 sentences
4) Name the author and book title
5) Tag three people to do the same
Now, to love thy neighbor so heartily, that thouw art ready to bestow they money, thy goods, thine eyes, and all that thou hast for his salvation, and moreover to suffer patiently all adversities and afflicitions, these no doubt, are effects and fruits of the Spirit, and these saith he, ye received and enjoyed before these false teachers came among you.
Martin Luther/ Commentary on Galatians
I posted one sentence cuz that is one mighty long and powerful sentence.
I tag Danny O, Sacha and hmmmmm not so sure..... Lisa Noble?
Posted by CyndieO at 5:39 PM 1 comments
Labels: Silly
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Took a small hiatus......
Sorry I have gone for so long but it took me this long to post as I didn't want to push Eileen down. I realize that even though my post of her may be pushed down she will always always be special to us. Life has been hard adjusting without her but once again the Lord has been faithful to us.
I have realized these past few months that even though people disappoint you and death creeps into our lives without warning and old friendship disintegrate and new friendships appear. The Lord is ever faithful never changing, never disappointing, never ending and of course never dying.
1Deu 31:614 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you."
Posted by CyndieO at 2:53 PM 2 comments
Labels: God