Thursday, September 29, 2005

Well, Its Offical

Hi Everyone,

I know that I have been missing lately, it's not that I don't have anything to post I do. Lots and lots of things. My kids are so silly my husband is the best and I have some how adopted and extra 3 also known as the Catalites. Sometimes I feel as if my life is a cartoon ( I mean that in a good way) . Anyway, I guess I have been preoccupied with the thought of me turning 40.

I know that 40 isn't old but it just seems as if I was 20 yesterday getting ready for hurricane Gloria to hit and being so upset my mom wouldn't let me go out. I made my brother drive to go pick up my best friend KC. There was no way that I, me, Cyndie DelOrfano was going to be stranded in the house on my 20th birthday with my family!!! Can you imagine? What a tradgedy!! Well I seem to have matured since then, (I would give anything to spend my birthday with my mom) I have done alot during these past 20 years. I met lots of friends whom I am still close to Brenda, Suzanne, KC, Margarita. Then I met a great guy, then met someone even better through Danny (THE LORD) lost my mom, moved to Hawaii, got married, moved back to Massachusetts had Samantha, bought a house, had a miscarriage, had Emma, found a great church and lots of wonderful new friends, lost a man I admired, loved and worked for, for 15 years and then turned 40!!!! On one hand it seems like alot on the other doesn't seem like much.

In the snap of a finger twenty years gone. I know during the next 20 years I will lose people I love and I will meet lots of new friends but the thing that keeps me going is that I get to spend the next 20 years with the man of my dreams, my best friend, my love Danny. Together we will teach our girls about our Lord and direct them in the path of Him who created me September 27, 1965!!!!!!
Oh yeah I can't forget all the laughs we will have on the way!!!!!!!! Thanks for a great birthday Honey!!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Jesus is the Rock!!!

So Emma was singing a song tonight as I was putting the girls to bed!

Jesus is the rock of my salvation His banner over me is love. So she kept saying salvation, so i asked her "Beanie do you know what salavation means?" To which she replied "It means ummmm I'm tired" she shut her eyes and fell asleep. That was easy tomorrow I think I will ask her what justification means. We may have a new bedtime routine!!!

Am I really growing???

Samantha turned 5 last sunday and again I was telling her to stop growing!!! Here is our conversation!!!
Me: Samantha you have to stop growing
Samantha: I can't mumma I tried
Me: I want you to stay like this forever
Samantha: You are still growing
Me: I am?
Samantha: yup
Me: Am I getting taller?
Samantha: Wider!!!!

Anyone want a 5 year old??