Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I need to rinse out the air conditioner

I'm baaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Samantha is growing so fast. She is going to be 5 in 2 weeks and is starting to out grow baths. Since she is swimming under water now she has decided to take showers. This morning she was showering and i asked her "are you done sweetie" to which she replied "almost i just have to rinse out the air conditioner" I love that girl!!!!!


Dave said...

she's a cutie!

Daddy, Manf and Bean said...

this blog project is sooooooooo worth it. we will look back, and that very soon, with smiles, laughter, memories and tears...and we will fall on our knees together and thank our Good God for these 2 girls...

peg said...

Mary used to say that too..not very long ago!!
(please tell me my baby's NOT 10!!!)

PS: I love the idea Beth had for you to start a blog on cooking and gardening!!!

Zoanna said...

Oh, yes, you certainly will be glad you took the time to write these things down. Just today I found a Joy J0urnal from 1997. Came across a page of really funny stuff my then 5 year old said . I blogged it today so others could share my chuckles.