Friday, March 24, 2006

Is God trying to show me something....

So Danny comes home for lunch and I must say the lunch I prepared was great, yummy.... Homemade cornbeef hash with eggs. Anyway we can chat about that another day. So Danny asks me why I haven't been blogging and know what my response to him was? I have nothing to say. Boy is that funny or what, all of you that know me know that I always have something to say. So I was thinking of all the things I have to be grateful and thankful to the Lord for.

1. Life in eternity with Him
2. A completely and absoultely wonderful husband, who is kind, patient and all the things I am not and might I mention a babe. (Ace got nuttin on him)
3. Two adorable children who I love with all my heart
4. Wonderful friends and family a girl couldn't ask for more
5. A passion for cooking that the Lord gave to me to show his glory

So I guess I do have something to say..... Thanks for the reminder sweetie...


Libby said...

Danny is HOT! ;-)

peg said...

I was just about to raz you for not blogging in soo long! Glad to see you did and, I agree, you do have so much to be thankful for! Me too, like the blessing of being invited over for lunch tomorrow for fellowship and your awesome cookin'!!!
Love you!

LisaN said...

I'm so excited to see something new on your blog! I really liked what you wrote about the tree, but I've already read that about ten times looking for something new!

Man, I miss your cooking. I am seriously trying up here and it's just not working out! Dave was sweet, though, and he said, "You know that I don't complain about your cooking 99% of the time." I'm trying to take that the right way... You definitely do have a gift in that area!

I miss just hanging out and talking with you, and you're right, you do have plenty to say, and I want to hear more of it! :-) I LOVE YOU!

LisaN said...

Hey, now your blog looks like ours! I like it. And you know, it would be so nice if husbands would share their metabolisms with their wives! WE LOVE YOU!!

Daddy, Manf and Bean said...

honey, Praise God, He has given you sooo much to say...about the glorious splendor of His Majesty, you're very life, your husband (me!) and our beautiful girls...where He has brought you from, your cooky family, how we met, where we have been and lived and where we are giong! John is right: "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."
Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

we're thankful that you are all coming to see us tomorrow...
love, the kilbanes

Dave said...

Hey C, how are things going in the deep south? :)

peg said...

cyndi-o-cyndi--it's time for another post!!!
love you!